Can Chiropractic Care With Migraine Headaches?

Yes, it can. Let’s talk first about what migraine headaches are. Migraine headaches, they’re really debilitating. In addition to having pain and a headache, it’s usually accompanied by prodromal symptoms. This means that, before the headache comes on. You get a little bit of an aura, it’s called, an aura where you get some visual […]
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How Does Stress Affect Your Health?

 Well, it’s having an effect on your health. How much depends on how adaptable your body is, how much it’s able to resist the stress of your life. Now, stress is broken down into different kinds. There’s physical stress, which we all know, you have an accident or a fall. There’s chemical stress, you’re […]
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Chiropractic Care | Pain Free vs. Healthy

I’m Dr. Steve Battaglino with Battaglino Chiropractic, and I want to talk about pain. A lot of people come into my office, as you can imagine, in some sort of pain, and they want chiropractic to get them out of pain. Chiropractic is fantastic at getting rid of pain, but essentially, chiropractic has a different aim, and […]
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