If you’re pregnant, or planning on becoming pregnant, you should definitely get your spine checked by a chiropractor. Here’s why: the spine houses the nervous system, which runs every organ and system in your body. When the spine gets out of place, it puts pressure on the nerves where they exit the spine, and reduces the body’s ability to coordinate and control the body. Pregnancy doubles the demand on your nervous system because you’re growing a little human out a cluster of cells, which demands perfect coordination by the nervous system. So you want to restore proper alignment and take pressure off those nerves to minimize the stress on your body and maximize your body’s performance.


Why is pregnancy so uncomfortable?

  1. You’re gaining weight. While this is a good thing, it will place new stresses on your body structurally, especially if your spine was out of place before your pregnancy.
  2. Relaxin. Relaxin is a hormone that peaks during the second and third trimesters, and allows ligaments of the pelvis to stretch to facilitate the birth of the baby. Unfortunately, this hormone affects all the ligaments of the body, and the effect is life-long.

My goal during pregnancy is to adjust specifically, safely, and comfortably, and I achieve this by using different tables that take stress off the tummy. Getting adjusted throughout pregnancy is a safe and gentle way to keep your nervous system functioning properly, to maintain optimal structural integrity, and to ensure a comfortable maternity, with a healthy mom and healthy babies!


I’m Dr. Steven Battaglino with Battaglino Family Chiropractic urging you to get your spine checked by a qualified chiropractor during pregnancy and afterwards.


Call now to schedule (707) 559-4070 or SCHEDULE ONLINE.

620 Petaluma Blvd N, Ste. B,
Petaluma, CA 94952

Sun, Sat


Mon Wed Thurs

8:30am – 6:00pm


3:00 – 6:00pm

